UBO World Champion Echevarria Retires, New Life-Chapter Begins

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UBO  -  Universal Boxing Organization™

Universal Boxing Organization™ (UBO) World Lightweight Champion Noel “The Holy Fire” Echevarria has unfortunately been forced to retire due to an eye-injury at 31, and in the prime of his career.


Echevarria, who has one of the most inspiring stories, fighting his way out of homelessness and drug-addiction to not only become a champion but also a family-man and role-model, hangs up his gloves with a final record of 20-7 (12), winning nine of his last ten outings.

"Its obviously very unfortunate that I must retire at the peak of my career, but what an amazing last year it has been", says Echevarria.

"Ever since I was a teenager, I desired to become a world champion, but throughout my low-points in the middle of my career I was broken and I lost hope."


"But I found hope again, and returned to the ring in 2018 after almost three years out. Then I suffered a detached retina, but never gave up and, despite not being able to be as active as I wanted, I continued to dream while healing."

"After becoming a free agent in late 2020, blessings began to pour. As my own manager I learned the business, and won the ABF USA title and UBO International title, to set up my shot at the UBO World title, which I won and was blessed to defend."

"I am satisfied with what I have learned and accomplished, but of course would have liked to accomplish more."

"I consider the UBO family, its an honest, loyal one-of-a-kind organization, and I am forever grateful to them, and hope to work with them in the future and help it grow further."

"I want to thank everyone who has supported me in my career, especially my wife and my family."

Echevarria, the 2021 UBO Boxer of the Year, is currently studying to become a self-employed home-inspector.

Discussions are also ongoing for him to join the UBO as a USA representative, staying involved with the sport he loves and enabling him to make good use of some of the things he has learned as a fighter and champion.

The UBO thanks Noel for representing us, we are immensely proud he was our world champion, and wish him and his family all the best in the future. Life has only just begun!







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