Cedric Bellais Wins Second UBO World Title

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July 27, 2019 / BY UBO PRESS OFFICER

UBO  -  Universal Boxing Organization™

Cedric Bellais, the reigning Universal Boxing Organization™(UBO) World Light Heavyweight Champion, moved up in weight to win the vacant UBO World Cruiserweight title on Friday (July 26).


Bellais stopped hard-nosed and game Miguel Angel “El Semental” Cobas from Argentina in the seventh round, in front of a lively crowd in Fautau, Tahiti.

Cobas came to win, but Bellais boxed excellently and punished his foe to the body, landing some vicious shots to the liver in round six which visibly hurt Cobas badly.

Photo: UBO World Light Heavyweight Champion Cedric Bellais.


At the start of round seven, Cobas came to the center of the ring, still looking badly hurt, and the fight was called off before the action commenced.

Bellais, who is expected to return to Light Heavyweight to defend his World title there before the end of the year, improved his record to 22-8-3 (11). Cobas falls to 16-4-5 (6).







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